From now on, outdoor kitchens and waste enclosures are made entirely of aluminium

The quality of our products means a lot to us, so we are always improving it. We have therefore developed a new frame system for our CookOUT® outdoor kitchens and StyleOUT® waste enclosures, which is made exclusively of aluminium. Switching to all-aluminium construction not only enables a better production process for us, but also longer-lasting product satisfaction for you.
Essential advantages
– Aluminium does not rust – so our customers can be worry-free even if the kitchen is placed next to the sea, where the salt content in the air is very high.
– Lower weight – some products are simply too heavy to place on balconies and terraces. With the aluminium frame, we have reduced the weight of our products and therefore made them even more attractive for anyone who wants to place them on balconies and terraces.
Despite the switch to aluminium construction, our products remain the same, with all the expressive details that make them elegant and sophisticated.